Just An Average Friday

“You ok, mom?”

“Yeah,” I respond. “I just miss Papa.”

My tone is somewhat dull today—reminiscent of that seemingly normal post-holiday let down. But this year, the ever hovering meloncholy is not due simply to the season of extravagance ending. Like a dog at my feet, the feeling of grief trails close behind me.

I’m good—and then I’m not.

One minute I’m going about my day, and then another minute—a borage of memories floods my mind about my dad and I’m in tears again. This is what fresh grief looks like.

Besides this low hanging grief—it’s just an average Friday morning here at Thuja Hill. I look in the mirror and tell myself, “Self—this is the day that the Lord has made, so rejoice!" Do I feel like being glad today? No, not necessarily. But I remind myself that feelings must follow truth. Not the other way around. My dad is with the Lord and happier than ever, I have a home, a loving family, food in my fridge, and clothing. What more could I ask for? With these things, I can be content.

The glitter and glint of the holiday decor still hanging beacons me towards happiness. I generally keep “Christmas” up until the weekend after New Year’s. So, everything is still up—despite the celebratory events of the season having ended. I honestly enjoy holding on just a wee bit longer. I love the lights, the smells—all of it. But by this weekend, I’ll be rip-roaring and ready to take it all down again.

Just when I feel the sting of the Christmas season being over and the need to take it all down, I am reminded of a four-legged Christmas gift that will now “decorate” our home from here on out. That new “decoration” is Rosie. Dad’s dog.

She sits at my feet as I write this, and truly—she is a welcome addition to our family. In the words of my Mom, she’s like “Advil and a warm blanket” (though these days—I’d swap out the Advil for homeopathy). But the joke still hits right. Having Dad’s dog in our home is so special—especially now. I now possess one of the most important pieces of his daily life. He cared for Rosie like he did everyone else at times—with extravagant love. And now, she’s mine.

For years, my daughter and I have been praying for the right dog for our family. It’s been a trial and error situation—to say the least. Since 2020, we’ve purchased 2 puppies—neither of which worked. They weren’t the right fit for our family—so back to the breeders they went. Not long ago, we were even offered a Golden Retriever—my favorite breed, and yet we all felt the timing wasn’t right. During our morning prayers walks over the last 4 months, my daughter’s prayers for the right dog seemed to intensify. After reading about how God asked His people to dig ditches in 2 Kings 3 and wait for Him to fill them, I felt inspired to dig my own “ditch” by buying our daughter a purple dog color for Christmas. I stuffed it in her stocking and told her that I had NO idea how God would answer that prayer, but that I was making preparations for His faithful provision.

Then Rosie came into our lives.

And oh! By what way she came.

The events of this whole last month have me stunned over God’s intimate care of His children. And though there is fresh grief ‘a plenty on this average Friday morning—this grief is now mingled with great joy over the new beloved, furry addition to our family. Welcome to our average Friday, Rosie!

“And he said, Thus saith the Lord, Make this valley full of ditches.

For thus saith the Lord, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain;

yet that valley shall be filled with water, that ye may drink,

both ye, and your cattle, and your beasts.”

-2 Kings 3:16-17 (KJV)


Winter Reads


Love Must Go Forth